Thursday, September 29, 2016

This was the version that I outlined and filled in. I tried to shade it but I ran out of time.

This was the version I did for fun. Instead of tracing, I just took inspiration from original art piece.

This is the original piece.
This my cartoon yourself. I used the pen tool in black to outline it. I then used
the magnetic selection tool to select the different area of my picture . I filled it in with the paint
bucket tool and then used the airbrush tool for shading and highlights.

 Scream Project
I tried to match aesthetic of the original by giving it shading and
and visible waves in the water.
This is the original, unaltered version
This version has my face on it. I blurred and smudged
my face to fit the aesthetic of it. I also matched
the color of the robe the person I wearing to the
color of the cardigan I was wearing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This is my Mona Lisa. I tried to give it a goth/emo vibe. I did this by making the colors darker and giving her the most edgy haircut ever. I made the background a mess to make the piece pop more, and be more pleasing to oneself's eye.
Mona Lisa